1. All his male friends, male family, members, and bi, females are going to hit that. She is a straight up ratchet , with her ratchet bride maids.

    2. I agree!! This is ridiculous. I’m not even a dude, but dam if I was this is not the typeof woman I would marry let alone date. No class at all!

  1. This is what woman are fighting for, to be 304s, and his dumb ass sitting there clueless to what is really going on!

  2. Why why why why why WHY is she doing this in a room full of people!!!!! Do this in the hotel room for HIS EYES ONLY!!!!! The f**k!!!!????!? Why did he marry this 304??!!??? I’m sorry – that’s beyond indecent!!! It’s shameful. She for down on alllll fours in front of a room full of people!!!!! ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

  3. Why y’all hatin’? She a strong woman who can do whatever she… Bruh I can’t even finish that sentence… That was WILDLY inappropriate!!!

  4. This is what women want all men to accept. And we are not to question this bullshit. A married woman’s body is for all to see. I am sure there were men there that had a taste before him.

  5. I really wish she would have done this privately, this dance is not for all to see, but unfortunately everyone saw it, recorded it and posted it for the world to see. Not Cool At All.

  6. Ha, She found Her Simp ,, He definitely was raised by a single mother with No Real Man around. “Play Simp Games win Simp Prizes.” He deserves whatever comes with this.

  7. They Both Was Raised In The Low Values System. Having Dignity Is Not Norm Within This Family. Most Likely The Men & Women Here Was Not Raised By Their High Quality Fathers Or None At All.
    I Wouldn’t Be Surprised The Bride Is Or Was A Stripper & The Groom Was Her Rain Man. He Was Totally Entertained By Her Actions.
    Sadly A Lot Of Women Will Call Him A Real & Masculine Man Because He’s Not Ashamed Of Her Sexually Objectifying Herself Among Others & Social Media.

  8. Embarrassing!!! Why would you do that in front of your parents, grandparents let alone children. Personally, I would’ve gather up all my belongings and left. If you wanted to dedicate a dance to your new husband, it doesn’t have to be trashy. This let me know even further, she not classy at all because no classy woman would do this in front of her and his family. Just look how the men are recording and smiling because that’s all they going to be looking at once it done and over. How you got to be the groom’s homeboy and you sitting at home watching a show that she’ll be doing to him in the bedroom. Trash all around and now, for those other females that was apart of that dance is trash too; because, if you were a good friend to her and had class for yourself, when you were practicing, you should’ve said, naw, this not going to look good doing this in front of the family.
    What father want to see their daughter gyrating all over her husband in front of him? That image will never leave is mind let alone others who’s not with this program.


  9. This kind of behavior is not only embarrasing but is straight up SICK, disgusting, and pure madness all the way. Absolutely a disgrace and so unacceptable in many ways. That is absolutely not lady like at all, and ladies who respect themselves don’t expose their bodies like that to the world. They only and I mean ONLY, let their husbands access their bodies in the privacy of their home. Point blank. Men should never ever wife up any woman who does this madness. This modern generation and our society is destroyed. Very disturbing and disgraceful behavior.

    1. First let me say that her bridesmaids failed her, cause aint no way.. Second stop saying she didnt have a father growing up because that isnt the reason that she wanted to strip in front of all their family and friends. I was raised in a single parent home and i would never have the nerve to want or think about doing anything like that. Sis should’ve saved that dance for their wedding night at the hotel room. And the groom is remedial AF for marrying that hoe.

  10. This is no one’s marriage but theirs, he was smiling and he knew who was in attendance to his and her wedding… obviously anyone who is watching knows she’s married. If you choose to chase a married women then that says a lot about the man. And she found her soulmate so why are we judging

  11. Oh hell to the nah. She’s a whole thot for this, homie is a lame for wiring that. Enjoy the divorce ‍♂️

  12. So trashy. He’s a simp for marrying this sp*rm receptacle. The whole family ain’t sh!t for allowing this. Not one person in attendance has class. You can tell this girl had no father in sight. Mother and grandmother likely from the gynocrat hyena thot class. It’s sad.

  13. Welcome to the whore culture.. This is a culture where the whores are celebrated and pop ass to whore-hop… Sad sad world..

  14. I wonder at what point during the dance rehearsals, and practicing this performance and in the wardrobe selection… Nobody in the wedding party Twerkulator thought there was anything wrong with this? SMH I hope it lasts

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