
Billionaire Heir Dies While Attempting to Rescue His Fiancée After She Fell Off the Boat in Key Largo

A 31-year-old man died while attempting to rescue his fiancée after she fell off the stern of a 60-foot yacht. The man has been identified as Juan Carlos Escotet Alviarez, the youngest son of Billionaire Juan Carlos Escotet Rodriguez. Escotet Rodriguez is the Founder and President of Banesco, the largest private banking business in Venezuela.

Juan Carlos Escotet Alviarez,  Director of Banesco USA
Juan Carlos Escotet Alviarez Fishing

The incident took place on Saturday, March 12th while Escotet Alviarez was participating in an Ocean Reef Club fishing tournament in Key Largo. He and the other fishermen tried to snag a sailfish when his fiancée, 30-year-old Andrea Montero, who accompanied him fell off the stern of the boat as it moved backward. When Montero fell off the yacht, Escotet Alviarez immediately jumped in the water in an attempt to save her. Montero was unharmed, but Escotet Alviarez wasn’t able to avoid the boat propeller’s large blades. He died from his injuries.

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